Communication & the Internet

2 min readAug 30, 2020
source: clipart-key

Before the internet took our lives by a storm, apples were something that grew on a tree, Amazon was a river in South America, and a tablet was the pill form of an Advil or Tylenol. Internet and technology indeed have immensely changed our life.

Working from home — would it have been the same 20 or 30 years ago? Screensharing your presentation, meeting 100 people virtually, each and every feature that is an integral part of working from home existed only in imagination earlier.

Slipping instantly into another person’s inbox, video calling a friend thousands of miles away; everything that now happens with a click of a button and seems so obvious was just a dream couple of years ago. With technology having bloomed and blossomed to its fullest, we have entered into an era that has changed the way we communicate.

Social media has enabled us to communicate with a much greater number of people on a global scale that used to only be viable on a local level (outside of pen pals.) While this is great when it comes to keeping friendships alive over great distances, it also increases the demands on people to keep a much larger number of relationships going simultaneously.

No matter what our stance is on whether the Internet has changed communication for worse or better, there’s no denying the fact that it plays a major role in our lives today. The evolution of technology, starting right from the radio to television, to wifi; every innovation ever made by humans has eased the way we communicate and further made way for more unimaginable ways of communication to come to life.

